

거울상 이성질체 관련 발명의 특허보호


Patent Protection of Enantiomer Invention

육소영, 변상현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Enantiomer invention is known for bringing great profits to pharmaceutical companies and patent grant will help the companies to secure such profits. However, because enantiomers have identical physical properties except the direction of plane of polarized light and have identical chemical properties except optically active reagents, there seems to be no novelty and inventiveness in enantiomer invention. In reality, even though it is generally known to a skilled person that substances with an asymmetrical atom enable themselves to occur in the form of a racemate or enantiomers and one of enantiomers has a quantitatively greater effect than the other or a racemate, enantiomer invention may be patentable if it is not directly disclosed in the prior art and has more surprising effect than a racemate. In contrast, enantiomer itself is more difficult to be patentable than the use thereof since it is easy to anticipate enantiomer from a known racemate. Finally, regardless of patentability of enantiomer invention, from the outset, it must be scrutinized whether patent protection of enantiomer invention is justifiable from the economic perspective. Considering a modern trend toward increase of selection or improvement invention and the broadening scope of patent, enantiomer invention must be examined positively when it may contribute to development of technology and technical information.


I. 서론
 II. 거울상 이성질체
  1. 거울상 이성질체의 의의 및 성질
  2. 거울상 이성질체의 중요성
 III. 거울상 이성질체와 선택발명
  1. 선택발명의 의의
  2. 거울상 이성질체와 선택발명의 차이
  3. 선택발명의 특허요건
 IV. 거울상 이성질체의 특허요건
  1. 신규성
  2. 진보성
 V. 거울상 이성질체 관련 특허와 합리적 특허권의범위
  1. 특허인정의 이익과 비용
  2. 합리적 특허권의 범위
 VI. 결론


  • 육소영 Yuk, Soyoung. 충남대학교 법학과.
  • 변상현 Byun, Sanghyun. 특허청


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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