

物件의 發明ㆍ方法의 發明 : 分類基準과 適用


Product-Invention and Process-Invention : Criterion for the Discrimination and the Application Thereof

물건의 발명ㆍ방법의 발명 : 분유기준과 적용


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



An invention is generally classified into either product-invention or process-invention under Korean Patent Law. The category in which an invention is classified is of critical importance, for the scope of enforcement of patented invention is significantly changed depending on the category of the invention. The criterion for the classification has been closely related to element of time such as lapse of time in the invention. In this article, the rationale of the classification is critically reviewed and a new and unambiguous criterion for the classification is suggested based on the essential characteristics of the classification. Application of the suggested criterion, occupancy of space disregarding the scale of the occupancy, to invention related to computer program shows that computer program can be classified into product-invention so long as the computer program is intended for the operation of a computer and the computer program is consisted of physical entities.


I. 서론
 II. 발명의 분류
  1. 물건의 발명 · 방법의 발명
  2. 구분의 의의
 III. 분류의 기준
  1. 학설 및 판례
  2. 후험적 분류
 IV. 결론


  • 金琯植 김관식. 한남대학교 법과대학 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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