

도메인이름 등록인에 주어지는 권리의 법적성격


Legal Nature of the Rights for a Domain Name Holder


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Domain names have become a valuable intangible real estate of cyber space beyond just internet address. The monetary value of a domain names suggests that it would be proper to classify domain names as a new property. Yet both courts and legislatures are ambivalent in their legal treatment of domain names. The inquiry into whether domain names are a new property leads to other related questions. ; Should a taxes be levied on the property interests by selling domain names to another? Are domain names merely products of service contracts between a registrar and a registrant, and thus not treated as property for garnishment proceedings? Are the interests in domain names similar to license rights? This paper firstly examines the basic legal relationship between a registrar and a registrant and a third party in order to answer the above inquires. And then, analyze recent judicial decisions appraising the nature of the rights for the domain name holder. In particular, focuses on the ones rendered by USA, German and domestic Courts including the recent legislation relating to domain name disputes and subsequent judicial interpretations of the statute. Finally discusses the implications of judicial dissonance in tax-levy on commercial transactions and bankruptcy proceedings involving domain names. This Article concludes that the maturing process of e-commerce requires a clear classification of domain names as intangible property and appropriate legislative protection for the domain name holders and qualify them as a property entitled to some form of legal protection and proper responsibility.


I. 서설
  1. 법적성격 규명의 의의
  2. 연구의 범위와 접근방법
 II. 도메인이름의 규율을 둘러싼 법률관계의 기본구조
  1. 도메인이름의 의의
  2. 주소자원인 도메인이름의 배분과 관리의 성격
  3. 도메인이름 관계 당사자간의 법적관계
 III. 도매인이름에 관한 권리의 법적성격을 툴러싼 국내외적 동향
  1. 총셜
  2. 도메인이름의 권리 관계를 라이선스(Domain N amesas Licenses)로 보는 견해
  3. 도메인이름에 대한 권리를 “계약상의 권리”로 한정하려는 견해 및 관련 판례
  4. 도메인이름의 재산권성을 인정하는 견해와 판례
 IV. 도메인이름에 대한 권리의 재산권적 성격에대한 논의의 정리
  1. 총설
  2. 계약상의 지위인지 재산권에 해당하는지 여부
  3. 상대권인지 절대권인지 여부에 대한 견해
  4. 소결
 V. 결론


  • 김원오 Kim, Wonoh. 숙명여대 법학부 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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