

기업의 직무발명보상에 관한 연구 : 최근 일본의 직무발명보상에 대한 판례 및 기업의 대응을 계기로


A Study on the Remuneration for In-service Inventions of Employees in the Private Companies - With the Recent Judicial Rulings and the Companies' Disposal for the Employees' Inventions in Japanese Companies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently several important judicial rulings have been concluded in relation to the in-service inventions of employees in Japan. The employees who are dissatisfied with the amount of remuneration provided by the their employers have filed lawsuits against the companies after retire, asking for the equivalent or due remuneration under the Japanese patent law. And the total amount of the remuneration becomes enormous. Through their harsh experiences of the lawsuits related to the remuneration for in-service inventions, the Japanese companies have begun to set up a plan which amends their in- house provisions on the compensation for employees' inventions including raising the level of remuneration. The Japanese patent law system and the practices on the remuneration for in-service inventions in the past are not that different from the current those of Korea. In this point, a series of judicial rulings and experience of Japan on the remuneration for employees' inventions so far throw a lot of implications on the practices of Korea. Therefore this study investigates the trend of compensation for the employees' inventions through a general perspective analysis focusing on the recent judicial cases on remuneration for in-service inventions and the companies' response to them in Japan. So this trend find out a suggestive point under condition of presently domestic remuneration for in-service inventions. And it investigates the level of remuneration for in-service inventions through actual condition of analysis, also countermeasures as well as many problems which could be suggested on domestic remuneration for in-service inventions system in the future.


I. 서론
 ll. 일본의 직무발명보상 동향
  1. 직무발명보상소송
  2. 기업의 직무발명보상 경향
  3. 새로운 직무발명제도의 도입
 III. 국내의 직무발명보상 실태 및 경향
  1. 직무발명 보상금소송사례
  2. 기업의 설적보상제도 실태
  3. 국내 직무발명보상의 운영실태 분석
  4. 현행 국내 직무발명에 대한 제도상의 보상체계 보완
 VI. 결론 : 직무발명보상제도의 발전적 방향 -기업대응 중심으로


  • 배상철 Bae, Sangchul. 한국발명진홍회 지식재산권연구센터 선임연구원, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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