

WIPO 저작권조약(WCT)의 국내이행과 향후 과제


A Study on Korean Implementation of WIPO Copyright Treaty


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For the protection of copyrights in the internet ages, the WIPO convened a diplomatic conference in Geneva and produced the WIPO Copyright Treaty(WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty(WPPT) in 1996. The new features of the WCT included, amongst others, Right of Communication to the Public, Obligations concerning Technological Measures and Obligations concerning Rights Management Information. Korea has been implementing main features of the WCT in its Copyright Act and Computer Program Protection Act, either voluntarily or by the pressure of the United States, even before the ratification of the treaty. Last September, Korean Government decided to ratify WCT in the near future. This paper examined main features of the WIPO Copyright Treaty, Korea's internal procedure for the ratification, and implication of ratifying the treaty on Korean copyright laws. Considering the current situation of US concerns over Korean protection of copyrights, enactment of temporary copies and access control in Copyright Act and Computer Program Protection Act might be crucial controversies between the two countries. After examining the notions of temporary copies and access control, this paper discusses the relevant provisions of the WCT, the implementation of those provisions in other countries and possibility of their enactment in Korean laws. Finally, in the long term view, the possible inclusion of the WCT into the WTO TRIPs Agreement is discussed.


I. 서론: WCT 제정 배경
 II. 한국의 WCT 가입준비 및 WCT 조약의 국내적 효력
 III. WIPO 저작권조약의 주요내용
  1) 공중전달권 (우리 법에는 전송권으로 반영됨)
  2) 기술적 보호조치와 권리관리정보
  3) 배포권과 대여권의 명시
  4) 논의 후 채택되지 않은 사항
 IV. WIPO 저작권조약의 국내 이행
 V. 일시적 복제(temporary copy)의 국내법 수용 문제
  1) 일시적 복제의 개념
  2) WCT 채택 당시 WIPO 논의동향
  3) 각국의 입법례와 논의동향
  4) 국내 입법시 문제점과 검토
 VI. 접근통제(access control)의 국내법 수용문제
  1) 접근통제의 개념
  2) WCT 접근통제 관련규정
  3) 각국의 입법례 및 논의동향
  4) 국내 입법시 문제점과 검토
 VII. WIPO 저작권조약의 WTO TRIPs 협정에의 수용가능성
 VIII. 결론


  • 박덕영 Park, Deokyoung. Cambridge (LLM), Edinburgh (PhD 과정 마침), 한국싸이버대학교 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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