

特許權委託管理法制의 改善方案


A Study on Reforming the Legal Structure for Collective Management of Patents

특허권위탁관리법제의 개선방안


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For the management of IP, collective management of copyright has been very common, but not that of patents in our country. But, it takes a growing interests in collective management of patents because of the advantages of collective management, and recently our government has enacted and/or changed several concerned acts. But, in spite of these legislative improvements, there are some problems to be reformed continually, such as the relative absence of trust management agencies, the disorderliness of collective management agencies or TLO, etc. So, this article proposes the methods of reforming our current legal system ⅰ) to promote the use of trust management system, ⅱ) to merge and abolish concerned collective management agencies, ⅲ) to establish "a regional TLO" for the replace of current system that is one TLO per one R&D institute, ⅳ) to strengthen the function of "KISTI" which is the clearing-house of scientific, technological, engineering informations in our country, etc.


I. 서설
 II. 지적재산권위탁관리의 의의
  1. 지적재산권위탁관리의 의의 및 연혁
  2. 제도적 실익
  3. 형태
  4. 지적재산권위탁관리단체의 반경쟁적 요소
 III. 특허권위탁관리기관의 법적 근거와 현황
  1. 서
  2. 기술이전촉진법에 따른 위탁관리관련기관
  3. 발명진흥법에 따른 위탁관리관련기관
  4. 대학 TTO
  5. 공공기술이전컨소시엄
 IV. 특허권위탁관리법제의 개선방안
  1. 서
  2. 특허권신탁관리제도의 도입방안
  3. 공공기술이전기관의 개선방안
  4. 대학 TTO의 지역적 통합
  5. 과학기술정보확산체계의 개선방향
 V. 결론


  • 鄭相冀 정상기. 한남대학교 법과대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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