

특허 수수료 감면제도의 비교법적 고찰


A Comparative Study on the Reduction System for Patent Fees


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Patent Act provides that certain patent fees charged by the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) shall be reduced by 50 percent for any small entity and any independent inventor and so on. The purpose of this statute is to make obtaining and maintaining a patent less costly for those entities presumably least able to bear those costs. The ability to procure patent protection allows small companies to grow and compete in the marketplace. Therefore, it is important to make this protection available to these entities. However, unfortunately, this reduction system is not established reasonably at the beginning and necessary qualifications for this special status are not always clear and it causes the whole patent fee system to be complex. Further, the subjects and the objects of fee reduction are not coherent and constant. Their status may sometimes be used in ways with bad faith. Of similar concern is what happens when a foreign applicant claims small entity status and how treats it considering national treatment principles. This article discusses these problems of current fee reduction system such as the requisite qualifications for consideration, the subjects and the objects of fee reduction with a comparative perspective through examining the related reduction system of foreign countries such as USA, EPO, Japan and Germany. This article further suggests the desirable directions of current fee reduction system to be revised in the future.


I. 서설
 ll. 수수료제도의 의의와 기본원칙
  1. 수수료의 의의와 법적 성격
  2. 수수료 징수의 기본원칙과 감면제도
 III. 우리나라의 수수료 감면제도 및 그 운용현황
  1. 감면제도의 개요
  2. 감면대상자별 감면요건 및 증명서류
 IV. 주요국의 수수료 감면제도의 체계
  1. 미국의 수수료감면제도
  2. 유럽특허청 (EPO)의 특허 수수료감면제도 체계
  3. 일본의 수수료감면제도
  4. 독일의 수수료감면제도
  5. 수수료 감면제도의 종합적 비교
 VI. 우리 수수료 감면제도의 문제점과 개선 방향
  1. 우리 수수료 감면제도의 문제점
  2. 수수료 감면제도의 개선방향
 VII. 결어


  • 김원오 Kim, Wonoh. 숙명여대 법학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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