

특허실체법조약(안)의 특허대상 확대 여부에 대한 검토


A Study on Dealing with Patentable Subject Matter in Draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years due to the scientific and industrial growth in the fields of bio-technology and computer science, there are the numberous, and more difficult, normative questions concerning patentable subject matter. The controversy on the limits of patentable subject matter in Draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty(SPLT) is based on the diversity of the scientific and industrial advance of WIPO members. In dealing with patentable subject matter of SPLT, a great deal of members are affirmative for including 'all fields of technology', to comply with the Article 27 of TRIPs. However, only a few members uphold that patentable subject matter may be 'anything under the sun that is made by man' (as in Charkrabarty), whether the invention depends on the specific technology or not. With respect to WIPO legislating on patentable subject matter and its influence on the existing Patent Act of Korea, this article speculates five considerations for resolving the questions exposed in dealing with patentable subject matter in SPLT; patent policy for industrial development, social/economic issue, normative issue for invention provision, international trade issue, and patent law harmonization.


I . 서언
 II. 특허권 보호를 위하여 논의되는 주요대상
  1. 개설
  2. 생명공학분야
  3. 정보통신관련분야(BM특허 동)
  4. 유전자원, 전통지식 및 민간전승물의 보호
 III. 특허대상 확대 여부에 관한 고려사항
  1. 산업정책
  2. 사회 · 경제적 고려요소
  3. 규범적 요소(발명의 정의규정 존폐 여부 검토)
  4. 대외무역 · 통상에 관한 검토
  5. 특허법의 통일화
 IV. 결어


  • 배대헌 Bae, DaeHeon. 계명대학교 법학부 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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