

유사상호ㆍ상표의 판단기준에 관한 연구


A Study on the Simulativity of Tradename and Trademark


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As long as trade marks and name continue to be used in trade these signs are a prominent part of goodwill and rights in them cannot be subject to any maximum duration. Trade marks and related aspects of trading goodwill are protected as symbols needed by consumers to distinguish between competing products and services in a market economy. Trade marks and names in accordingly quite as significant in economic terms as patents and copyright Legal protecting against the imitation of marks and names ist nowadays a very important legal problems Infringement on the trade marks and names controls the commercial law and unfair competition law; intrusion upon the trade marks regulates unfair competition law and trademark law The commercial law protect the trade name on the view of the protection of the business man and consumers. therefor the test depend on whether a trade name is infringed or not. The unfair competition law controls the imitation of the trade names and marks for the fair competition. trademark law prevent infringing of trade marks for the development of industry and interest of consumers. Misconception or confusion in the test of the infringement of trade names and trade marks must be considered and applied what the each law goals.


I. 서설
 II. 상법상 상호의 보호
  1. 서언
  2. 상호사용권
  3. 상호전용권
 III. 부정경쟁방지법상 상호 · 상표의 보호
  1. 서언
  2. 주지성
  3. 오인 ·혼동성
  4. 부정경쟁성
 IV. 상표법상 상표의 보호
  1. 서언
  2. 상표의 사용과 침해
  4. 상표의 유사성
 V. 결어


  • 김상규 Kim, Sangkyu. 한양대학교 법과대학 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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