

著作權登錄의 對抗力


Priority between Conflicting Transfers and Licenses - With an emphasis on the copyright registration

저작권등록의 대항력


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article reviews the priority among conflicting transfers and licenses¬with an emphasis on the copyright registration. Between conflicting assignees and licensees, the Korean Copyright Act gives priority to the assignee, having the copyright registration according to the first-to-file principle. But, as of a conflict between an assignment and a license, the licensee's interests cannot be adequately protected in comparison with the assignee's, However considerable, the license cannot prevail over the recorded assignment in almost any case. Considering the non-knowingness and vagueness of copyright registration in norms and reality, the Korean priority system is criticized not to reflect both parties' interests properly. Our priority system is advised to revise to strike an appropriate balance in fulfilling the purpose of copyright law. The filing system of non-exclusive license in patent law and the U.S. copyright registration system has been referred to as an alternative to the Korean system. This article proposes the Korean system to include the enlarged subject matter and the detailed contents via digital copyright registration.


I. 시작하면서
 II. 著作權聲錄 一般論
  1. 推定力
  2. 對抗力
  3. 登錄節次
 III. 對抗力의 範圍
  1. 主顆的 範圍
  2. 客觀的 範圍
  3. 현행법의 문제점
 IV. 利用許諾權者의 保護- 立法購的 考察
  1. 특허법상 통상실시권제도의 유추도입
  2. 이용허락권자의 권리강화 -미국 저작권법의 경우
  3. 저작권등록의 대항력제도 폐지론(?)
 V. 마치면서


  • 朴益煥 박익환. 인하대학교 법과대학 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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