

입체상표의 등록 및 보호요건에 관한 소고 : 상품의 형상이나 포장 형태의 입체표장을 중심으로


Legal Requirements for the Protection of 3-dimensional Marks - particularly reference to the Shape of a Product or Container


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In general, a "3-dimensional mark" including a "product configuration" can be registered under trademark law if it is either inherently distinctive or has acquired secondary meaning. Further, it has also been protected by unfair competition law under some condition. However, whether a product configuration mark can. ever be considered inherently distinctive or must have acquired secondary meaning is somewhat vague and unsettled, as will be discussed herein. A functional design of a product, however, cannot be protected by unfair competition law or registered under trademark law under "functionality doctrine" regardless of how strong the consumer recognition therewith. This article will discuss the level of inherent distinctiveness and acquired distinctiveness necessary to protect product configurations as trademarks. In particular, how a product design has inherent distinctiveness to bolster arguments for the availability of trademark protection will be discussed by introducing Wal-Mart cases distinguished a container from the shape of the product itself. Also the established standards to determine functionality of a product design such as whether a utility patent discloses "the utilitarian advantage" of the mark;, whether advertising refers to the mark as utilitarian; whether alternatives are available to competitors; whether the mark is a result of "a comparatively simple or cheap method of manufacturing will be discussed through the examination of U.S federal cases. Finally, this article will provide guidelines and suggestions to help our 3-dimensional mark protection policy for a product's configuration under current trademark law and unfair competition law.


I. 서설
 II. 현행 입체상표제도의 법적 기초
  1. 입체상표 관련 상표법상 규정
  2. 부정경쟁방지법상 관련 규정
 III. 본질적인 식별력의 존재와 상품표지성
  1.  식별력의 일반적인 개념과 입체상표에의 적용
  2. 입체상표의 본질적 식별력의 판단기준
  3. 상품자체의 모양(product's design)과 그 포장(Packaging)에 관한 본질적 식별력 구분
  4. 부정경쟁방지법상 상품표지성에 관한 요구
  5. 본질적 식별력과 기능성과의 관계
 IV. 사용에 의한 식별력의 인정문제
  1. 총설
  2. 사용에 의한 식별력 취득의 요건
  3. 사용에 의한 식별력 취득의 입증과 증거의 유형
 V. 기능성이론 (functionality doctrine)에 의한 입체상표 보호의 한계
  1. 기능성의 의의
  2. 기능성의 종류와 정책목적
  3. 기능성의 존부에 관한 일반적인 판단기준
  4. 심미적 기능성aesthetic functionality)
 VI. 결어


  • 김원오 Ki,. Wonoh. 숙명여대 법학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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