

A New Method of Active Power Measurement Based on Power Load Wiener-G Functionals Models



For the problem of electrical energy measurement could not be united under the condition of non-stationary distortion signals, in the paper, the functionals series was used to modeling the signals. Firstly, the Wiener kernel of nonlinear load was acquired; the output signal of nonlinear load was expressed using functionals series under the condition of sinusoidal excitation; and then, we used the wavelet transform to processed and acquired component of fundamental and distortion; and though the acquisition component of voltage and current, we analyzed the power flow of nonlinear load, and according the result of power flow, we proposed a new method of active power measurement. The simulation result shows that the result of theoretical analysis is the same as the new method, and the new method of electric energy measurement based on the functional series can achieve the reasonable electrical energy measurement.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Mathematical Models of power Grid Signals and Power underthe Conditions of Distortion Signals
  2.1. The Simplified Model of Power Grid
  2.2. The Mathematics Model of Power under the Conditions of Distortion
 3. Modeling the Power Grid Signal under the Condition of Distortion Signal and Wavelet Decomposition Algorithm
  3.1. Wiener Kernel Acquisition of Non-linear Systems
  3.2. Wiener-G Functional Series Expression under the Condition of non-Gaussian White Noise Input
  3.3. Wavelet Decompose and Reconstruction
 4. Simulation Test of Load Power Flow and Error Analysis
  4.1. Power Flow Analysis of Electrical arc Furnace
  4.2. Power Flow Analysis of Composite System
 5. A New Method of Electrical Energy Measurement under the Conditions of Distortion
 6. Conclusion


  • Zhang Xiaobing College of Measure-control Technology & Communication Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • Yang Mengchen College of Measure-control Technology & Communication Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • Cao Wei College of Measure-control Technology & Communication Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China


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