

Cross-class Priority based Video Streaming in DiffServ Domain



With the development of image processing and network technologies, more and more video applications emerged. To ensure quality of service for simultaneously transmitted multimedia and data streams, DiffServ (Differentiated services) is proposed. However, the current standard of DiffServ is not suitable for video streaming. In this paper we propose a cross-class priority (CCP) based video streaming scheme, in which packets of different frame types are assigned to different traffic classes to occupy more scheduling opportunities. Simulation results show that more video packets could be received when CCP policy is adopted. Thus CCP policy can tolerate a relatively high data rate of data stream. Scheduling mode and video sequence employed, and settings of RED parameters of different traffic classes are factors that influence the performance of CCP based scheme too.


 1. Introduction
 2. Simulation Environments
  2.1. DiffServ in ns-2
  2.2. Simulation Topology
  2.3. Video Sequences
 3. Evaluation
  3.1. Basic Experiments
  3.2. Influence of Scheduling Mode
  3.3. Influence of Rd
  3.4. Influence of Characteristics of Video Sequence
 4. Conclusions


  • Zheng Wan School of Information Technology, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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