

Comparison of Genetic Algorithm based Watermarking Techniques using Tournament Selection Approach and Roulette Wheel Approach for Fidelity Optimization



To protect digital content from illegal copy or reproduction, digital watermarking techniques are used which embed watermark into digital content and extract the same from the digital content to help in digital media protection. As techniques based on spatial and frequency domain are reported to have several limitations due to unsatisfactory values of fidelity by various researchers, new techniques based on genetic algorithm have been developed with an objective to optimize the values of fidelity of watermarked image. Genetic algorithms are used to find suitable locations for watermark insertion within a cover image, using either tournament selection approach or roulette wheel selection approach to provide optimization of fidelity. This paper is an attempt to provide a comparative study of the results obtained with genetic based watermarking techniques using roulette wheel selection approach and tournament selection approach . The variation of maximum fitness with respect to changing embedding strength, number of genes, mutation probability. Crossover probability and varying payloads has been compared and discussed for both the selection strategies.


 1. Introduction
 2. Roulette-Wheel Approach and Tournament Selection Approach for Fidelity optimization
 3. Experimental Result and Comparison
 4. Conclusions


  • Sachin Goyal Department of Information Technology RGPV, Bhopal, India
  • Roopam Gupta Department of Information Technology RGPV, Bhopal, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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