


韓国語の文字テロップにおける「連体終止形」 - 実例に基づく機能分類を目指して


“Attributive-final Forms” in the Korean TV subtitles - Toward their usage-based functional typology

한국어의 문자 자막에 있어서의 「연체종지형」- 실제 용례에 기초한 기능 분류를 중심으로

呉守鎭, 堀江薫, 金廷珉

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study pays attention to the subtitles frequently employed when broadcasting Korean TV variety shows, and analyzes the functions of “attributive-final forms” occurring sentence-finally in the subtitles. Specifically, the attributive-final forms occurring sentence-finally in the TV variety subtitles were categorized into three types depending on the “mode” of their appearance, and subsequently their functions were analyzed. The major findings of this study are as follows.    (Ⅰ) Attributive-final forms were found to serve four primary functions, i.e. Emphasis, mmary/Interpretation, Depicting, and Assertion-avoidance, arranged in order of frequency (from the most frequent to the least). (Ⅱ) In many cases, it is impossible to reconstruct a head noun following the attributive-final form. (Ⅲ) One of the noteworthy distributional characteristics of attributive-final forms is that most of these forms are in the present or past tense, arguably motived by the speaker’s intention to seek the addressee’s or the producer’s empathy/understanding and to make the description more vivid.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
 2.1 「従属節の主節化」の観点からみた連体終止形
 2.2 韓国語の連体形の特徴
 2.3 塩田(2005)によるバラエティ番組のテロップの機能的分類
 3. 調査方法
 4. 調査結果
 5. 分析
  5.1 (Ⅰ) 「連体形以外の発話」
   5.1.1 「強調」の機能
   5.1.2 「要約ㆍ解釈」の機能
  5.2 (Ⅱ) 「非発話」
   5.2.1 「描写」の機能
  5.3 (Ⅲ) 「連体形の発話」
   5.3.1 「強調」の機能
   5.3.2 「断定保留」の機能
 6. 考察
 7. おわりに


  • 呉守鎭 오수진. 名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科博士候補研究員
  • 堀江薫 Horie, Kaoru. 名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科教授
  • 金廷珉 김정민. 麗澤大学大学院言語教育研究科 准教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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