


夏目漱石의 『마음(こころ)』論 - 죽음의 배경과 상징성을 중심으로


A study on the “Kokoro” - Focused on the background and symbolism of death

나쓰메 소세키의 『마음(こころ)』론 - 죽음의 배경과 상징성을 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Natsume Soseki has been considered as one of the representative writer of Japanese modern literature. When Natsume Soseki wrote the “Kokoro” is the time of introducing the individualistic ideology along with the modernization of Japan. It was uneasy time with old and new social values, due to the confrontation between the generations. The deaths of the Emperor Meiji and the General Nogi mean the symbol of “the end of the Meiji era” to the people who lived in the era of Meiji. Being abandoned alone from his family and a trusty friend made K feel the “despair” and “anxiety” deeply. And they are the main reasons to commit suicide to K eventually. K’s suicide compelling that teacher feel constrained to commit a suicide too. Because the teacher felt the sense of ethics and guilt. Finally the teacher identified me as K feeling my sincerity and also choose me as “Kaishakunin” who is a witness of the teacher’s honorable death. But every suicide cannot avoid criticism of egoism of extreme selfishness.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  1. 『마음』에 표출된 시대정신과 세대 간 갈등
  2. 메이지세대의 종말, 천황의 붕어와 노기대장의 순사
  3. K와 선생의 죽음, 자살
  4. 나, 돌아온 K 그리고 선생 자살의 개착인(介錯人)
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 이화형 Lee, Hwa-Hyung. 충남대학교 일어일문학과 시간강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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