


역물류 네트워크에서의 친환경 운송 모델 개발 및 환경영향평가 비교 분석


A green transportation model in reverse logistics network and its comparative assessment for environmental impacts

김기홍, 신승준, 정병현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Enforced environmental regulations call for extending the domain of manufacturers’ responsibility to the entire product life cycle. To comply with the environmental regulations, manufacturers have constructed reverse logistics networks to re-collect their leftover waste for recycling consumed resources. However, the operational activities associated with storage, loading and transportation processes within the networks inevitably impose environmental burdens. Particularly, the transportation process largely influences environmental performance due to perpetual uses of transportation vehicles. Therefore, there is a need to develop an environmentally- conscious transportation model that can efficiently manage the uses of transportation vehicles. Additionally, it is vital to analyze its significances of environmental performance to compare quantitatively it with existing models. This paper proposes a transportation model for improving environmental performance in a reverse logistics network. This paper also presents a case study to perform its comparative analysis using Life Cycle Assessment that evaluates potential environmental impacts of a product system.


 2. 역물류 네트워크 및 기존 운송모델 고찰
  2.1.역물류 네트워크의 범위 및 과정
  2.2.비닐 포장 운송 모델 (As-Was)
  2.3.단위 적재 운송 모델 (As-Is)
 3. 규격화 단위 적재 운송 모델 제안 및 모델별 SWOT 분석
  3.1.규격화 단위 적재 운송 모델 (To-Be)
  3.2.운송모델 비교분석
 4. 사례 연구: 전과정평가
  4.1 시나리오 정의
  4.2 목적 및 범위 정의
  4.3 전 과정 목록 분석
  4.4 전과정 영향 평가
  4.5 해석
 5. 결론
 6. References


  • 김기홍 Ki Hong Kim. 우송대학교 초빙교수 미국 표준기술연구소 객원연구원 우송대학교 교수
  • 신승준 Seoung-Jun Shin. 우송대학교 초빙교수 미국 표준기술연구소 객원연구원 우송대학교 교수
  • 정병현 ·Byung Hyun Chung. 우송대학교 초빙교수 미국 표준기술연구소 객원연구원 우송대학교 교수


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