

형법의 훼손과 복원 - 형사특별법 폐지의 관점에서 -


Restoring of Criminal Law from Special Criminal Acts


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Criminal Code, the basic law of crime and punishment, should be sustained power of rule. Now Korean Criminal Code is threatened by special criminal acts. They have provided many special criminal acts for preparing special crimes. As result the special criminal acts applicate many criminal cases on behalf of the Criminal Code. For this reason ruling power of the Criminal Code is getting deteriorated on. Many provisions of special criminal acts overlapped with the provisions of the Criminal Code. Consequently confusion of application, decrease of ruling power of the Criminal Code, inconvenience of reading acts and decrease of certainty have been made. The countermeasure of this problem is these. First most of special criminal acts should be abolished as soon as possible. Because most provisions of special criminal acts overlapped with those of the Criminal Code. We can regulate most of criminal cases with provisions of the Criminal Code. The overweighting punishment of the special criminal acts are useless in regulating criminal cases. Second we have to revise the Criminal Code often and often. As change of social circumstance aspects and results of criminal actings are still changed. So the Criminal Code have to adapt this changing social circumstances and crimes. The Committee of revising the Criminal Code must be organized and members of this Committee study society-changing and right contents of the Criminal Code. We revise the Criminal Code every 1-2 years at least. Third the trivial illegal acts should be eliminated as provisions of crimes. The criteria of criminalization is severe offensing of legal interests and necessity of punishment with criminal sanctions. So behaviors under this criteria of criminalization have to be regulated not by criminal sanctions but by ethics or administrative law. the Criminal Code is the last countermeasure of regulating illegal offenses. When the ruling power of the Criminal Code restored, simple and reasonable application of criminal law can be possible. The ideal application of criminal law is that the Criminal Code regulates most of crimes simply.


특별형법의 무분별한 제정으로 형법이 사문화되어 가고 있다. 형법규정이 적용되는 범위가 줄어들고 형사특별법이나 행정형법이 적용되는 경우가 많아 형법을 열람하기가 어려울 뿐 아니라 해석과 적용에 있어서도 어려움을 겪고 있다. 따라서 형법규정과 중복 혹은 유사규정은 과감히 폐지하고 새로운 범죄규정은 형법개정시 검토 편입하는 방안을 강구해야 한다. 중형주의로 일관되어 있는 형사특별법의 법정형도 실효성이 없는 것으로 형법전의 형벌 개정으로 대치하여야 한다. 전체적으로 형사특별법은 모두 폐지하고 형법 개정을 수시로 하여야 한다.


I. 서론
 II. 형사특별법 제정 이유
 III. 개별 형사특별법 분석
 IV. 형법의 소생
 V. 결론


  • 박기석 Park, Gi-Suk. 대구대학교 경찰행정학과 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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