

[기획특집] 대학 교양교육의 역할과 제도

일본식 ‘교양교육’ 과 미국식 교양교육의 수용과정


The Process of Receiving Japanese-style ‘General Education’ and American-style General Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to review the history of the introduction of general education in Korea during the period from the Liberation to the present. The history of general education in Korea is divided into the period before the Liberation through the introduction of Japanese-style ‘general education’, and that after the Liberation when American-style general education was received. Japanese-style ‘general education’ was crooked into the state’s means to control people’s education and into ‘culturalism’ as capital scolaire comprehending a vast range of Western modern knowledge for social success. Modern Japanese ‘general education’ was introduced first during the process of founding Gyeongseong Imperial University in 1924 and formed the wrong base of Korean general education. During the period from the age of the American Military Government to the early 1960s, Japanese-style ‘general education’ and American-style general education existed together, and the trend of neglecting general education was fixed further. The ‘liberal arts education’ of pilot universities in the 1970s was utilized as a means of forcing the ideology of Yusin Dictatorship. The 1990s when university education was democratized and autonomized, was limited to the introduction of the distribution requirement. In the 2000s, plural systems such as core system, required electives, and general electives were adopted for the ‘realization of advanced general education.’ Nevertheless, it showed limitations such as similar forms among all the universities and focus of core subjects on improvement in basic abilities required by businesses. Through this paper, It was confirmed that the history of the introduction of general education is comparable to colonial architecture obsessed with the phantom of shadow as Japanese-style ‘general education’ and with the phantom of the original as American-style liberal arts education.


본 논문의 목적은 해방 이전부터 지금까지 교양교육의 수용의 역사를 고찰하는 데 있다. 한국 교양교육의 역사는 일본식 ‘교양교육’을 도입한 해방 이전과 미국식 교양교육을 수용한 해방 이후로 나눠진다. 근대 초기 일본의 ‘교양교육’은 국민교양을 규율하는 통제수단이자 서구적 근대지(知)를 섭렵하는 ‘교양주의’로 굴절됐다. 일본의 ‘교양교육’이 1924년 경성제국대학의 설립과정에서 처음으로 도입되어 잘못된 토대를 구축했다. 일본식 ‘교양교육’과 미국식 교양교육이 혼재된 미군정기부터 1960년대 초반까지는 교양교육 경시풍조가 더욱 고착됐다. 1970년대 실험대학의 ‘자유교양교육’은 유신독재의 이데올로기를 주입하는 수단으로 활용됐다. 1990년대에 배분 이수제를 도입했고, 2000년대에 ‘선진형 교양교육의 실현’이라는 방침 아래 중핵제, 필수선택, 일반선택 등 다원적 체계를 채택했다. 그러나 모든 대학이 서로 비슷한 형태를 유지하는가 하면, 기업에서 요구하는 기초능력 향상에 초점을 두는 한계를 보였다. 본 논문을 통해 한국의 교양교육의 수용과정은 일본식 ‘교양교육’이라는 그림자의 유령과 미국식 교양교육이라는 원본의 유령에 사로잡혀 있는 식민성의 건축물임을 확인했다.


1. 들어가며
 2. 일본식‘ 교양교육’의 수용과 교양교육의 굴절
 3. 미국식 교양교육의 수용과 교양교육의 정착화 과정
 4. 나오며


  • 이정옥 Lee, Jung Oak. 숙명여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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