

Test and simulation of High-Tc superconducting power charging system for solar energy application



This paper deals with high-Tc superconducting (HTS) power charging system with GdBCO magnet, photo-voltaic (PV) controller, and solar panels to charge solar energy. When combining the HTS magnet and the solar energy charging system, additional power source is not required therefore it is possible to obtain high power efficiency. Since there is no resistance in superconducting magnet carrying DC transport current the energy losses caused by joule heating can be reduced. In this paper, the charging characteristics of HTS power charging system was simulated by using PSIM. The charging current of HTS superconducting power charging system is measured and compared with the simulation results. Using the simulation of HTS power charging system, it can be applied to the solar energy applications.


  2.1. System structures
  2.2. Solar Energy System
  2.3. HTS Power Charging System
  3.1. Test of the HTS power charging system
  3.2. Simulation of the HTS power charging system


  • Haeryong Jeon Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
  • Young Gun Park Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jeyull Lee Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
  • Yong Soo Yoon Shin Ansan University, Ansan-si, Korea
  • Yoon Do Chung Suwon Science College, Suwon-si, Korea
  • Tae Kuk Ko Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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