Effective animation-producing pipeline that utilizes motion capture
The need for contents that uses motion capture has increased recently. Motion capture realizes the various motions as the data collected through the marker reacts to the characters after being converted to digital data. However, if generalizing the various methods that have been conducted so far, it is somewhat unreasonable to complete animation only with motion capture. The existing motion capture field have been carried out based on the equipment operation and technology development and the advanced research of motion capture-producing pipeline for the production of animation is insufficient as well. This study suggests the realistic animation-producing pipeline by modeling, character setup, calibration, motion capture, data modification and integration of animation for each phase based on such methods.
1. 서론
2. 선행 연구
2.1 모션 캡처 기술의 흐름
2.2 키(key) 애니메이션과 모션 캡처의 차이점
3. 실험 방법
4. 모션 캡처를 활용한 애니메이션제작 파이프라인
4.1 모델링 (Modeling)
4.2 캐릭터 셋업 (Character Setup)
4.3 칼리브레이션 (Calibration)
4.4 모션 캡처 (Motion Capturing)
4.5. 데이터 수정 (Data Editing)
4.6 애니메이션 (Animating)
5. 결론
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