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<李趙兩門錄>과 <金蟾傳>의 비교연구


The Comparative Study of Yijoyangmunrok and Geumseonjeon

<이조양문록>과 <김섬전>의 비교연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yijoyangmunrok and Geumseonjeon have not reported in academia yet while these are related to different version. The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the similarities and differences by the aspect of narrative development of two works and to identify what the differences mean could be the beginning of Yangmunrok novel study. Yijoyangmunrok is possessed by Kim Gwang-soon but only the plot of Geumseonjeon is figured because it is in the North Korea. Nevertheless as it is possible to grasp the narrative structure through the plot, I tried to compare the narrative structure of Yijoyangmunrok and Geumseonjeon and to draw its meaning. Yijoyangmunrok and Geumseonjeon are the novels which described Jo chu-yeon's and Yi geum-seon's heroic acts, their marriage, and the story about their family. Yijoyangmunrok has the narrative structure that each family develops its crisis and conquest and after two families are combined through marriage they overcame the crisis and thrived. By comparison, Geumseonjeon has the narrative structure which two heroic features overcame each family's crisis and married. By the way the narrative structure which before and after the marriage the family crisis and conquer are repeated like Yijoyangmunrok accords with BuJang-yangmunrok and HaJin-yangmunrok. It is reasoned that the narrative structure that after the marriage the families faces the crisis and overcomes it through Yijoyangmunrok and Geumseonjeon can be one of the features of Yangmunrok novel.


1. 서론
 2. 서사전개의 양상
 3. 서사구조의 특징
 4. 결론


  • 김은일 Kim, Eun-il. 충북대 인문대학 국어국문학과 박사수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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