The Struggle between Feminity and Masculinity in Great Expectations
Great Expectations can be interpreted from the viewpoint of the struggle between the male and the female. In the context of the Victorian culture, men were supposed to be gentlemen with education, riches and gentle manners. As the aspiration for the ascent of status was huge among the middle and lower class people. they tried to get the means for the ascent through money, education and manners. Women were not different from the cases of men. They were enforced to be the angles of home, pressing their desire to enjoy themselves. This article shows that Great Expectations is the process of the harmony of feminity and masculinity. In this novel, feminity is symbolized through the heroin, Estella who tried to control her dominator through feminine fret and sexuality which were not allowed to reveal in the Victorian society. Masculinity, also, reveals masculine power through the process of the development of Pip who symbolizes the middle or lower class people. To Pip, the masculine power means the physical power to overwhelm the other in quarrel in addition to the manners of gentleman. These two aspects are not harmonized in the story, and they are mixed through holding of two characters at the end of the story, which means Dickens implies that the struggle between has been solves in the imaginary world.
II. 여성성
III. 남성성
IV. 맺는 말