

日本의 영업비밀보호 강화에 따른 韓 · 日간 기술경쟁 변화와 영향


The Change of Technology Competition and Effects Between Korea and Japan According to Strengthen the Protection of Trade Secrets in Japan

일본의 영업비밀보호 강화에 따른 한 · 일간 기술경쟁 변화와 영향

백영준, 조용순

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



On April 2014, Japan released a “Trade Secret Task Force Report”. Regarding this, Japan Patent Attorneys Association had various opinion. In addition, the contents of this report was reflected in the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2014 and the 2014 revision of Japan Revitalization Strategy. It contains national strategies for the prevention of technology leakage and the protection of trade secret; for civil-national organization partnership; and for business correspondence etc. In Korea, the proprietary plan of national intellectual property 2014 has taken measures to protect trade secrets and to prevent technology leakage. Japan concerns japanese technicians’outflow, and at the same time Japan also has tried to technology outflow throughout M&A. However, what matters is Korea still needs Japanese technology. In Korea, we need to take a complementary 「win-win strategy」. For example, with having innovative ideas, we could deploy global business with Japanese companies which has cutting-edge technology. Additionally, in Korea, there are enormous laws for the prevention of technology leakage and the protection of trade secret. Therefore, the role of the control tower which coordinates policies for the trade secret protection and revised related laws has to be strengthen.


I. 서설
 II. 일본의 영업비밀 보호 전략
  1. 정부의 영업비밀 인식과 대응전략
  2. 민간의 영업비밀 보호 강화 주장
  3. 지적재산추진계획 2014
  4. 일본재흥전략 2014
 III. 우리의 영업비밀 보호전략과 한ㆍ 일간 기술경쟁 변화 추세
  1. 2014년도 영업비밀 보호전략과 과제
  2. 양국간 기술경쟁 심화와 합법적 M&A 증가
 Ⅳ. 우리에게 미치는 영향과 시사점
  1. 양국간 기술협력 파트너로서의「윈-윈전략」필요
  2. 영업비밀 보호법제 재정비 및 컨트롤타워 기능 강화
 Ⅴ. 결어


  • 백영준 Baek, Young-Jun. 前 일본 지적재산연구소(IIP) 연구원, 법학박사
  • 조용순 Cho, Yong-Sun. 한세대학교 산업보안학과 조교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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