


웹하드서비스제공자의 면책요건 - 표준적인 기술조치를 중심으로 -


Requirements of Limitation on the Liability of WebStorage Service Providers - Focusing on standard technical measures -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Before the amendment of Copyright Act in 2011, the liability of web storage service providers could be reduced or waived in those cases where such service providers prevented or stopped reproduction and transmission thereof when made aware that copyrights would be infringed upon due to the reproduction and interactive transmission of works by the other persons. However, the amendment of 2011 categorized online service providers into four types and also introduced new requirements for exemption. If online service providers are exempted from liability, they shall adopt a repeat infringer policy, accommodate standard technical measure, and not receive direct financial benefit attributable to infringing activity. The web storage service providers shall also meet such requirements in order for its liability to be waived. The provision of standard technical measures is to introduce the DMCA §512(i)(2) for the implementation of the KORUS FTA. Accordingly, the concept of a standard technical measures may be deduced from the examination of the standard technical measures under DMCA. However, the DMCA does not provide "technical measures" obligation of Article 104 of Korean Copyright Act, instead has been regulated online service providers with only the standard technical measures. With the introduction of "standard technical measures", it needs to be examined that the existing obligation of the technical measures is not necessary any more in the Korean Copyright Act. The legislative intent of congress and the case law show that "standard technical measures" and "technological protection measures" are not different concepts in the DMCA. The Korean Copyright Act also provides not only technological protection measures but also the prohibition of circumvention of the measures, which implies the two measures may have any conflict each other. This paper will examine whether Article 104 regarding the technical measure obligation might exist through the review of standard technical measures of the Korean Copyright Act and the DMCA.


I. 서론
 II. 웹하드서비스제공자의 면책요건의 변화
  1. 종래의 웹하드서비스에 대한 논의
  2. 2011년 개정법상 웹하드서비스제공자의 면책요건
 III. 미국법상 표준적인 기술조치
  1. 서설
  2. 정의 및 입법취지
  3. 표준적 기술조치의 활용례
  4. 표준적 기술조치의 실질적 요건
  5. OSP의 면책요건―표준적인 기술조치를 수용하고 방해하지 않을 것
  6. 기술적 보호조치와의 관계
 Ⅳ. 우리법상의 표준적 기술조치의 의의
  1. 문제의 소재
  2. 기술적 보호조치와 기술적 조치의 관계
  3. 기술적 조치와 표준적인 기술조치의 관계
  4. 표준적인 기술조치와 기술적 보호조치의 관계
 Ⅴ. 결론
  1. 요약 - 표준적인 기술조치의 의의
  2. 제104조의 존재의의


  • 김경숙 Kyungsuk Kim. 상명대학교 지적재산권학과 조교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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