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Reading Disney: Ideological Approach to Mulan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to reveal hidden strategy in Mulan. The story of Mulan comes from the ancient China, but it is significantly Disneyfied in that Western ideology takes place of that of the Orient. Eventually the scope of Disney's world extended to the Chinese culture. In this appropriation, economic or ideological considerations are involved. Above all, Mulan has more advanced view on woman than any other works in Disney canon. From the feministic viewpoint, therefore, this work can be analyzed good work in which new woman is established. But it has great shortcomings. In this work, male-oriented and conservative social order doesn't allow woman to participate the fight. Heroine(or hero) Mulan decides to display her power in her disguise. And she became a hero(ine) after defeating the enemy. At last, she was depicted as another conservative-minded woman character.


  • 김일환 Kim, Il-Hwan. 전남도립남도대학 관광정보과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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