

한ㆍ중 FTA 체결을 위한 양국의 특허 및 상표법의 비교 - 주요쟁점을 중심으로 -


Study on Differences of the Patent and Trademark System of South Korea and China for the Free Trade Agreement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property was signed in March 20th of 1883 where 174 countries have ratified the treaty as of January 17th 2012 including South Korea and China. This convention provides several measures for the protection of industrial property such as; fair treatment for both domestic and foreign applicants in patent application, recognizing the principles of priority rights, and principles patent independence, etc. These measures have been contributing in the promotion and harmony of the intellectual property system of each country. Since the 1990s, the characteristics of international efforts for the protection of the industrial property would be employing the ‘Multilateral negotiating approach’ such as the WTO/TRIPs. Efforts for harmonizing and unifying the intellectual property system of countries have been an important agenda in various international treaties such as the F.T.A. These international agreements define the principles of §3①, National Treatment, §4, MFN: Most Favored Nation Treatment, and minimum protection, exhaustion of rights. F.T.A. especially is an agreement that is setup between two countries. Sometimes this enables tighter measures for the protection of industrial property. Therefore such regional negotiating approach has been gaining attention recently as means of improving each country’s patent system. China is a country with a second largest economy in the world as well as one of the largest trade partners of South Korea. It is no doubt that setting up an F.T.A. with China will bring tremendous opportunities for South Korea. However, this also means that both South Korea and China will have to work together because there are differences between each country’s intellectual property systems. Such difference could negatively affect South Korean businesses’ expansion into China. The F.T.A. between South Korea and China should be an opportunity to overcome the differences in the system between the two countries that could bring mutual benefits for both. This paper will study the possible mutual cooperation between South Korea and China for the improvement of the intellectual property system.


Ⅰ. 시작하며
  1. 한ㆍ중 양국의 FTA
  2. 한ㆍ중 양국의 협력관계
  3. 한ㆍ중 양국에 있어서의 지적재산권에 대한 인식의 변화
 Ⅱ. 특허법 분야
  1. 특허등록요건
  2. 직무발명의 귀속문제
  3. 실질심사청구제도
  4. 존속기간 연장제도
  5. 의약품-허가특허 연계제도
  6. 비밀유지명령제도
  7. 유전자원의 출처표시제도
  8. 비밀유지심사제도
  9. 실용신안법 분야
  10. 기타
 Ⅲ. 디자인분야
  1. 부분디자인제도
  2. 디자인보호기간
  3. 기타
 Ⅳ. 상표법 분야
  1. 보호대상의 차이
  2. 상표 사용 허락계약 등록
  3. 우선심사제도 및 우선심판제도
  4. 동일·유사한 상표의 출원
  5. 주지ㆍ저명상표(국내 유명상표의 중국내 보호를 위한부당한 상표 선점)
  6. 강제등록주의
  7. 기타
 Ⅴ. 마치며


  • 尹宣熙 윤선희. 漢陽大學校 法學專門大學院 敎授.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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