


게임물 제작상 영업비밀의 보호


Game Development and the Requirement of Trade Secret


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Gaming industry is a typical culture contents industry. In particular, creating the world's first online game on the market for online games by Korea's leadership is also holding area. However, with the development of gaming industry in the area of ​​intellectual property is becoming a problem. Trade secrets in the game produced can be a problem for the protection of game content embodied in the idea itself, the de facto information and known information through confidentiality agreements and obligations are protected by trade secret or whether it is valid. In fact, the de facto information, trade secrets and is believed to be lost province, because the requirements acknowledging that trade secrets is not valid. In terms of policy for the protection of trade secrets, institutional efforts are necessary, but excessive protection policy can be understood differently. Trade secrets and trade secret holders to disclose their contribution to the social protection through patents to choose thick or, according to the public without the contribution of social protection as trade secrets, whether the business judgment would have been selected based on. Nevertheless, trade secret protection for the excess carriers rather than weaken their commitment to technology development will be. Thus, the excessive protection of trade secrets protection system, rather than taking a voluntary conservation efforts on technology incidental to the holder's industrial competitiveness is to follow a policy judgment.


I. 서론
  1. 연구 목적
  2. 게임물에 대한 기술적 이해
 II. 영업비밀의 개념 및 보호 요건에 대한 검토
  1. 영업비밀의 개념 및 보호대상
  2. 영업비밀의 보호 요건
 III. 콘텐츠로서 게임물에 대한 영업비밀 보호
  1. 서언
  2. 게임물에 이용된 아이디어 및 아이디어의 관리
  3. 외부에 표현된 아이디어를 담고 있는 문서의 영업비밀성
  4. 영업비밀의 고정 요건
  5. 소결론
 IV. 프로그램으로서 게임물에 대한 영업비밀 보호
  1. 서언
  2. 리버스엔지니어링과 영업비밀 보호요건의 충돌 여부
  3. 게임개발시 소스코드의 사용과 영업비밀의 침해
  4. 게임 알고리즘의 영업비밀성
  5. 소결론
 V. 게임물 제작에 있어서 아이디어 보호
  1. 게임물의 기획에 사용된 문서의 영업비밀성 여부
  2. 게임물에 대한 시스템 접근 권한에 따른 판단
  3. 경험상 습득한 영업비밀을 보유한 직원의 퇴직
  4. 소결론
 VI. 결론


  • 김윤명 Kim, Yun-Myung. 경희대학교 국제법무대학원 강사, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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