

특수한 유형의 OSP와 기술적 보호조치


Webhard Registration System and the Technological Measures


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The revised "Telecommunications Business Act" introduced the Webhard(=Web Storage) Registration System in an effort to eradicate the illegal content and pornography distribution, and to foster a healthy market environment through continuous monitoring. Up to now, on the ground of copyright law the regulation of Webhard is the way to take measure after copyright infringements happen. Also because it takes a certain amount of time to monitor and respond to copyright infringement, effective response has had difficulty. Accordingly, the Webhard Registration System will be enforced as the legal system for improvement of the effective measure. First of all, the technological measure is the most important to make the Webhard Registration more effective. However, it is controversial what kind of technological measure will be an appropriate measure for implementation of section 104. Section 104 provides that the special type of OSP shall take necessary measures such as technological measures for intercepting illegal interactive transmission of works, etc. upon the requests of rights holders. Here it is controversial whether the technological measure of section 104 refers to ‘passive filtering’ because the technology is interpreted to be taken "upon the requests of rights holders". The copyright holders are worried about that if the technological measures of section 104 are interpreted as passive filtering, it would be so hard to expect the effectiveness even after the Webhard Registration will be enforced. In particular, the copyright holders consider that Webhard is managed to achieve the direct and indirect revenues through sharing of illegal files, and then copyright infringement is inherent in Webhard. Accordingly, the copyright holders desire for active filtering as the technological measure which allows only licensed files to share. The effective technological measures for the effectiveness of Webhard Registration can be derived from the interpretation of the scope of technological measures referred to by section 104.


I. 서론
 II. 웹하드의 개념과 책임제한
  1. 웹하드의 개념 및 법적 의무
  2. 웹하드서비스제공자(특수한 유형의 OSP)의 책임제한
 Ⅲ. 판례의 태도
  1. 특수한 유형의 OSP의 방조책임의 성립요건-침해인식의 여부
  2. 제102조에 의한 면책요건
  3. 제104조의 입법취지와 면책여부
  4. 요약
 Ⅳ. 기술적 보호조치와 기술적 조치의 관계
  1. 서
  2. 기술적 보호조치의 의의
  3. 검토-기술적 조치와 기술적 보호조치의 비교
 Ⅴ. 기술적 보호조치와 공정이용
 Ⅵ. 결론


  • 김경숙 Kim, Kyung-suk. 상명대학교 저작권보호학과 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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