

특허권침해와 손해배상


A Study on Compensation for damages Caused by Patent Infringements


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Korea, there was a revision of Patent law in 2001, to improve the difficulty in the calculation of the damages and the patent infringement lawsuits. The revision reflects that there are difficulty in intellectual property right protections under the former damage calculation protection systems. So, the frist clause and the fifth one of patent law 128 are newly established. In relation to the former rules, it shows it becomes better, but even now it fails to reveal that it doesn't compensate the people and institutions concerned, against the infringements of it. Compared to other legal claim lawsuits, patent infringements basically have lots of their specialized and related knowledges with their own variations and involve complexities and difficulties which make it hard to predict the results of the lawsuits Because of this, patent right owners are apt to fail not just in getting business fruits from and through their own development technology but also in assuring the desirable benefits from and through patent infringement lawsuits. It is easy that the Article 128 of patent law applies in calculating of the damages and the patent infringement lawsuits, considering the provision of Civil law on calculating of the compensation. The real profit claiming compensation for patent infringement, in spite of being the difficulty of proof damage and compensation, is in case that the proof of more damage than damage of the Article 128 of patent law and that material damage not being applied by the Article 128 of patent law


Ⅰ. 서설
 Ⅱ. 특허권침해로 인한 불법행위의 성립요건과 입증책임
  1. 손해의 개념
  2. 요건사실과 입증책임
  3. 특허법 제128조에 의한 손해액 산정
 Ⅲ. 손해배상의 범위
  1. 소극적 손해
  2. 적극적 손해
  3. 정신적 손해
 Ⅳ. 결어


  • 김용섭 Kim, Yong-Sup. 홍익대학교 강사, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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