

지식기반시대와 비실시기업의 진화


Knowledge Economy and Evolution of Non-Practicing Entities


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Knowledge economy now governs every aspect of our lives. Knowledge is the basic currency of this knowledge economy. Equipped with exclusive rights, intellectual properties (IP) are now destined to play the crucial role in this knowledge economy. In this respect, non-practicing entities (NPEs) are deemed to be the legitimate players of this new economy. The 1st-generation NPEs are characterized as entities independent of the manufacturers, hereas the 2nd-generation NPEs and defensive NPEs (i.e., patent aggregators) are heavily influenced by the manufactures, for the manufacturers now play the role of the investors or members of the NPEs. NPEs are here to stay!Despite the resistance form the IT industry in the US, the Senate has recently passed the bill which is essentially benign to the NPEs. In addition, Chief Judge Rader of the Court of Appeals of the Federal Circuit has recently declared that his Court will judge the patents not by the nature of the patent holders but by their quality. In every respect, there is no sign that the rights of the patentees are to be significantly eroded in the near future. It then is manifest that this country as a whole should jump onto the wagon and strive to efficiently generate IP, to protect IP in the major industrial countries, and to utilize IP to its full value.


I. 지식기반시대와 우리나라
  1. 산업자본시대로부터 지식기반시대로의 이행
  2. 지식기반시대의 원리
  3. 지식기반시대의 배경
  4. 지식기반시대의 시사점
 Ⅱ. 비실시기업의 속성 및 진화
  1. 비실시기업의 출현
  2. 비실시기업의 비즈니스 모델
  3. 제1세대 비실시기업
  4. 제2세대 비실시기업
  5. 방어적 비실시기업의 출현
  6. 방어적 비실시기업에 대한 의문점
  7. 비실시기업에 대한 미국의 특허법 개정 시도
  8. 비실시기업의 현실?
  9. 비실시기업에 대한 미국 사법부 동향
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 심영택 Shim, Young-Tack. 서울대학교 법학전문대학원 초빙교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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