

퍼블리시티권의 사후존속


Posthumous Continuance of Publicity Rights


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although our society did not recognize seriously the issue of posthumous continuance of publicity rights, it will soon critical for us to have some fixed regulations or any kind of authorized guidelines against future disputes regarding the publicity rights of deceased celebrities. However, it is not so simple to regulate the status of publicity rights in such case. The concept of publicity rights was created first in the United States. As it was stemmed from privacy rights, the concept contains various personal nature in itself. Notwithstanding this personal nature, the creators of publicity rights tried to consider the publicity rights as a pure property right, completely eliminating the personal nature from itself. Critical problem of publicity rights as absolute property rights is shown in case that the right owners of privacy rights and publicity rights are severed,especially when the right is inherited after the celebrity died. We cannot find any theoretical reasons that the publicity rights (apparently containing privacy rights) shall survive the death of that person. The publicity rights fails to have the personal nature, the most important core contents of itself, when that person dies. Some scholars suggest that copyright laws shall be applied to the relationships regarding the publicity rights. But copyrights and publicity rights are totally different from their origins, natures or legitimate purposes. Anyway, we have to respect the present needs for the publicity rights in the relevant commercial market, which is the sole reason of existence of publicity rights. We need to minimize the effective period or methods of use of publicity rights while we recognize its posthumous continuance. For this purpose, I suggest a license concept to substitute publicity rights in the above relationships, with regard to the right to use a celebrity's portrait or name. This "publicity license" will solve the most conflicts as above. It will continue to protect the personal nature of celebrities, providing the proper methods to commercially use the celebrity's portraits or names. We shall be more conservative to admit the concept of publicity rights to our legal system, considering the sufficient protection of personal nature.


Ⅰ. 서설
 Ⅱ. 퍼블리시티권의 양면적 요소
  1. 인격권적 요소
  2. 재산권적 요소
  3. 퍼블리시티권의 특성
 Ⅲ. 퍼블리시티권의 양도성에 대한 논란
  1. 양도성 인정에 관한 문제점
  2. 양도성 인정에 관한 두 가지 다른 견해
  3. 대안으로서의 채권적 초상사용권
 Ⅳ. 퍼블리시티권의 사후존속
  1. 문제점
  2. 퍼블리시티권의 사후 소멸
  3. 퍼블리시티권의 상속
  4. 퍼블리시티권의 존속기간 및 유추적용 법률
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 최형구 Choi, Hyung-Koo. 충남대학교 법학전문대학원 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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