

특허·저작권 남용의 본질 및 근거와 독점규제법 위반행위와의 구분


The Inherent Nature of Patent and Copyright Misuse Doctrine Distinguished from Violation of the Antitrust Law


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Among the available IP protections, the most important protections are patent and copyright laws. However, because of their inherent nature of exclusion, patent and copyright could be misused to prevent the continuous innovation, which is the fundamental purpose of patent and copyright laws. The IP misuse doctrine has been devised to limit IP proprietors' exploiting exclusive rights to their appropriate scope, which has been based on the rights' internal inherent limits, that is the public policy of the intellectual property laws. The content and focus of this dissertation is patent and copyright misuse,excepting trademark misuse. According to the many misuse cases, the IP misuse doctrine could be defined as the IP proprietor's exercise of the IP beyond the limitation granted by IP law policy (so called 'the public policy'). In particular, the misuse conduct may include the activities violating antitrust law because IP misuse is broader than antitrust principle. For this reason, a patentee's conduct may constitute misuse without rising to the leve of an antitrust violation. However, some commentators have insisted that IP misuses include antitrust violations and IP proprietors' exploitation beyond patent and copyright policy under IP misuse doctrine. Unfortunately, their understanding is that the IP owner' antitrust violation should be the requirement for the IP misuse, which is a different misuse style distinguished from the IP misuse violation of the public policy of the IP Law. By this article, the misuse by IP misuse doctrine should embrace IP proprietors' antitrust violation sufficiently related to the IP and the type of IP exploitations beyond the physical or temporal scope of the public policy patent and copyright law grant. Therefore, without IP owner's antitrust violation, IP misuse could be constituted by the infringement of the IP policy.


Ⅰ. 문제제기
 Ⅱ. 지식재산권 남용의 정의와 본질
  1. 지식재산권 남용의 근거로써 지식재산권법의 본질과 목적
  2. 특허ㆍ저작권의 본질에 따른 권리행사 부인의 근거
 Ⅲ. 독점규제법과 구분되는 특허ㆍ저작권 남용의 의의와 독립적 기준
  1. 특허ㆍ저작권 남용의 의의
  2. 특허ㆍ저작권 남용이론에 의한 남용행위와 독점규제법 위반행위의 구별
  3. 독점규제법 위반과 특허ㆍ저작권 남용행위 성립의 관계
 Ⅳ. 특허ㆍ저작권 남용의 범위와 한국 독점규제법의 적용범위의 문제
  1. 한국 독점규제법의 특수성
  2. 특허ㆍ저작권법의 비경쟁정책 위반행위에 대한 독점규제법의 적용
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 오승한 Oh, Seung-Han. 아주대학교 법학전문대학원 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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