

현행 저작권법상 디지털 저작물 보존과 문화ㆍ산업발전의 관계


The Digital Preservation, the Creative Industries and the Cultural Progress under the Existing Copyright Act


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The digital contents protection is a copyright protection method that secures the monetary reward of copyright holders by preventing the contents from being copied. Based on the copyright law, the public domain of digital works is certainly worth as much as the protection. In reality the emphasis is more focused on the topic of the protection than the public domain. This view towards the copyright holder may raise a problem to interrupt the purpose of the copyright law, ignore the intrinsic attribute for the protection,and block the creative activities of author. The highly excessive stress of creative industries would be getting worse, even which mentioned one of the problem solutions that released from the copyright related hardship of the networked information technology. This article focuses on paying more attention on the gravity of the digital preservation for the next generation, and on striking the balance among the multiple purposes of the existing Copyright Act through the digital contents.


Ⅰ. 서언
 Ⅱ. 디지털 형태에 친하지 않은 저작물 보존 규정
  1. born-digital로 제작된 책
  2. 디지털 형태로 ‘판매’되는 대상 논의
  3. 경제적 가치 실현ㆍ저작물 公有(public domain) 사이의 비교형량
 Ⅲ. 보호와 보존을 도모하는 규범의 틀
  1. 보존에 관한 저작권법과 도서관법의 관계
  2. 디지털 자료의 보존에 관한 개별 규정 검토
 Ⅳ. ‘산업은 살고, 문화가 죽은’ 저작권법
  1. 개설
  2. 정보사회에서의 저작권보호
  3. 산업발전을 이끄는 저작권법의 목적규정
  4. 보존, 전승 등의 문화에 부족한 안목을 지닌 저작권법
 Ⅴ. 결어


  • 배대헌 Bae, Dae-heon. 경북대학교 법학전문대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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