

발명·특허 특성화 고교생의 대학진학 방안


Measures for patent-holding students and those who are specialized in invention to enter college


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



One of the most important factors dominating the 21st century economy is intellectual property, an intangible property. It is not an exaggeration to say that we have been promoting economic development through imitating strategy. However, imitation is no longer tolerated in the present nor can we survive the rapidly shifting global economy by merely emulating others. The fundamental of intellectual property system is human resources and we can develop into an 'intellectual property rich nation' only if sufficient and high-quality human resources are being provided. In this respect, 10government departments and agencies such as the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development published a report on 'Progress of government department consigned and invested specialized vocational high schools promotion' and decided to carry forward the project. Moreover, they agreed to support and establish specialized high schools after selecting number of them based on industrial demand. As part of the government's related project and under the goal of increasing the number of patent holders and inventors, The Korean Intellectual Property Office is providing budgetary support to 4 selected vocational high schools among 702 of them nationwide. However there are difficult challenges for patent-holding high school seniors and those who are specialized in invention to enter college based on their speciality. In other words, there are not many colleges granting special admissions to these students. This thesis provides solutions for patent-holding students and those who are specialized in invention to enter college in the perspective of universities. In addition, this thesis examines the social awareness of the present system of promoting technical human resources, education system of specialized high schools and patent related universities, and measures for these students to enter college.


Ⅰ. 서언
 Ⅱ. 기술인력 양성제도와 기술교육에 대한 사회적 인식
 Ⅲ. 발명·특허관련 전문인력 양성의 필요성
  1. 지식기반 사회의 도래와 지식재산권의 중요성
  2. 전문인력 양성의 필요성과 교육의 방향
 Ⅳ. 특성화고 및 특허관련 대학(원)의 교육현황
  1. 학교발명의 교육현황
  2. 발명·특허 특성화고에 대한 소속 교사의 인식
  3. 발명·특허 특성화고를 위한 특허청의 역할제시와 그 결과
  4. 특허관련 대학(원)의 교육현황 및 외국의 실태
 Ⅴ. 발명·특허 특성화 고교생의 대학진학방안
  1. 교육과정 운영제언
  2. 대학진학 희망학생을 위한 제언
 Ⅵ. 결어


  • 홍봉규 Hong, Bong-Kyu. 경기대학교 지식재산학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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