

상표 사용의사 없는 출원의 방지 및 사용주의 요소의 강화


Prevention of Application without using a Trademark and Reinforcement the Usage System of Trademark


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of the Trademark Act(TMA) is to maintain the business reputation of persons using trademarks by protecting the latter, and thereby contribute to the development of industry and protect the interests of consumers(Sec. 1 TMA). The TMA establishes a fundamental system of protection based on "registration" and not "use". Thus a trademark can be registered if a trademark applicant has no intention of using the trademark in trade. The most obvious situation of lack of intent to use occurs where a person applies to register a trademark with the intent either of preventing a competitor registering the trademark or selling (or 'trafficking in') the registered trademark. This study mainly reviewed the trademark system for the purpose of searching problems of 'No Intention to use the trademark and finding the ways to make up for the current system. First, regarding the matter of trademark law revision, one possible way to settle this problem is to regulate 'trafficking in trademark through the interpretation of the current trademark law provision. The other possible method is to make revision the trademark law. The merits of reinforcing 'usage system' are securing the legal stability and enhanced objectivity.


I. 서언
 II. 특정 자격자만이 해당 서비스업을 제공할 수 있는 경우에 무자격자의 해당 서비스업에 대한 서비스표 등록의 허용여부 문제
  1. 상표법 제23조 제1항 4호5)의 해당여부
  2. 상표법 제7조 제1항 4호의 해당여부
  3. 소결
 III. 상표의 사용의사 확인제도의 도입
  1. 상표의 등록과 사용의사
  2. 일본의 상표의사 확인제도
  3. 입법의 불비와 해결방안
 IV. 상표권 효력의 제한과 공정사용(fair use)
  1. 의의
  2. 취지
  3. 자기의 성명·명칭 등을 보통으로 사용하는 방법으로 표시하는 상표
  4. 소결
 V. 상표권의 제한
  1. 사용주의와의 관계에서 오는 제한(입법론)
  2. 권리남용의 항변
 VI. 결어
 [ 참고 ] 비의료인 ‘김**’씨의 서비스표 출원현황


  • 김병일 Kim, Byung-il. 한양대학교 법학전문대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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