

통ㆍ번역을 통한 실전적 중국어 교육의 단계별 교수방안 연구


A study on the leveled teaching for practical Chinese education through interpretation and translation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper suggests a new pedagogical method, namely ‘applied Korean and Chinese language education’. It argues that the previous teaching method, which focuses exclusively on Korean students, should be changed to help Korean and Chinese students study together. By setting the goal of teaching practical abilities demanded by society, the paper explicitly considers six different levels of teaching processes: 1) pronouncing and listening, 2) expressing ideas, 3) understanding cultures, 4) reading and writing, 5) presiding and giving speeches, and finally 6) experiencing internship and preparing for interviews. This paper emphasizes that the skills of translation and interpretation should be applied to all of the six levels. In addition, a special evaluation method is suggested in order to encourage student motivation, thus ultimately improve their adaptive abilities in the society.


I. 서론
 II. 연구배경
  1. 선행연구
  2. 연구의 필요성
 III. 강의구성과 진행방식
  1. 학생구성
  2. 교실언어
  3. 교수·학습내용
  4. 평가방법
  5. 한ㆍ중관련 상식
 IV. 단계별 교수·학습법
  1. 발음과 듣기
  2. 표현하기
  3. 문화의 이해
  4. 독해와 글쓰기
  5. 사회와 연설
  6. 인턴과정과 면접대비
 V. 결론 및 교육적 의의


  • 김명순 Kim, Myengsun. 세명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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