The Effect of Small Group Discussion Activities Using Picture Books about Filial Duty on Young Children’s Filial Behavior
The subjects for this study were 27 children(17 boys, 10 girls) at the age of five from one class of a kindergarten attached to an A Elementary School located at Icheon city in Geonggi Province. And the material as the tool for the study, was based on the questionnaire which was already used for Seokil Park(2001) who was an elementary school at that time because of finding out the actual conditions of filial behavior, but the questionnaire was evaluated and revised for the study. For the experiment for the study, the small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty was carried out for once a week, total ten times from October 14(Mon), 2013 through December 20(Fri), 2013, during which ten educational activities were conducted for about 20-25 minutes of their Free Choice Activities by group. As for the handling of the data, the paired t-test was conducted on the remaining score of post experiment was subtracted by preliminary score to check the differences of the effect of small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty on young children's filial behavior.
The results of the study were as follows:
Small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty has shown statistically significant difference (p<.001), which means it has positive effect on a child’s filial behavior.
First, the small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty was revealed to have statistically significant distinction(p<.001) in the behavior of being thankful the parents’ love, a sub factor of a child’s filial behavior, and this represented that the activity had positive effect on a child’s behavior of being thankful the parents’ love. Second, the small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty showed that it had statistically meaningful disparity(p<.01) in the attitude towards parents, a sub factor of a child’s filial behavior, indicating that the activity has positive effect on a child’s attitude towards parents. Third, the small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty was believed to show statistically significant difference(p<.001) in the behavior for pleasing parents, a sub factor of a child’s filial behavior, indicating that the activity has positive effect on a child’s behavior for pleasing parents. Fourth, the small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty revealed that it made statistically significant gap(p<.01) in the obedient behavior towards parents, a sub factor of a child’s filial behavior, which led to the positive effect of the activity on a child’s obedient behavior towards parents. Fifth, the small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty revealed statistically meaningful difference(p<.05) in the brotherly affection, a sub factor of a child’s filial behavior, indicating that the activity has positive effect on a child’s brotherly affection. Sixth and the last, the small group discussion activities using picture books about filial duty showed that it had statistically meaningful disparity(p<.01) in the respect towards elders, a sub factor of a child’s filial behavior, indicating that the activity has positive effect on a child’s respect towards elders.
This study was to investigate how experiencing activities developing responsibility effect young children's practice of making relationships with self and others. For the purpose, 27 five-year-old children participated 12 activities developing responsibility during 6 weeks, and each child experienced 12 activities. The difference of pre- and post-test performances of making relationship with self and others were compared. Results of this study were, first, young children’s self-esteem presented as performance of making relationship with self, there were significant differences of self perception on performance ability of cognitive ability and mother acceptance. Second, young children’s peer acceptance presented as performance of making relationship with others, there were significant differences on all sub-categories of social ability, social spontaneity, and leadership. These results show the possibility of implementation of activities developing responsibility and verify that activities developing responsibility can be the major experience to realize a desirable development through the change of the performance of making relationships with self and others.
이 연구의 목적은 효 관련 그림책을 활용한 토의활동을 실시했을 때 유아의 효 관련 행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보는 데 있다. 이를 위해 경기도 이천시에 소재한 A병설유치원 1개 학급에 재원중인 만 5세 유아 27명(남17명, 여10명)이었다. 연구 도구는 유아의 효 관련 행동을 알아보기 위해 박석일(2001)이 초등학생의 효행 실태를 알아보기 위해 제작한 설문지 문항을 토대로 유아에게 적합하게 수정·보완한 유아 효 관련 행동 설문지를 사용하였다. 실험처치는 효 관련 그림책을 활용한 토의활동을 2013년 10월 14일(월) ~ 2013년 12월 20일(금)까지 10주 동안 주 1회씩 총 10회의 교육활동을 자유선택활동시간에 20~25분씩 모둠별로 실시하였다. 자료 처리는 연구문제에 따라 효 관련 그림책을 활용한 토의활동이 유아의 효 관련 행동에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 효 관련 그림책을 활용한 토의활동을 경험한 집단의 사전․사후 점수 차이에 대하여 대응표본 t검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 효 관련 그림책을 활용한 토의활동이 유아의 효 관련 행동에 통계적으로 유의한 차이(p< .001)가 있는 것으로 나타났으며 이는 효 관련 그림책을 활용한 토의활동이 유아의 효 관련 행동에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 의미한다.