Study on the view of child education appeared in Yoolkok’s writings
율곡의 저술에 나타난 자녀교육관 연구
This thesis, in an effort to gain wisdom on child education from our own traditional home education, has its purpose in putting in order the content of Yoolkol’s writings involved in child education such as ‘Donggeogesa,’ the chapters of ‘Sachin’ and ‘Geoga’ from ‘Kyokmongyokyol’, the chapter of ‘Jeongga from ‘Seonghakjipyo’ and ‘Soasuji’.
To this end, the matters to be researched were set like the followings;
What is the child education like in the writings of Yoolkok?
What is the goal of child education like in Yoolkok’s writings?
What is the content of child education like in Yoolkok’s writings?
What is the method of child education like in Yoolkok’s writings?
This thesis studied ‘Kookyokyoolkokjeonseo’ published by ‘Mental Culture Research Institute, gathered in ‘Yoolkolhakyeonkuchongseo’ published by the Academy of Korean Studies’. This book has content related to home management which includes ‘Dongjeogesa’, the chapter of ‘Sachin’ and ‘Geoga’ from ‘Kyokmongyokyol’, the chapter of ‘Jeongga’ from ‘Seonghakjipyo’ and ‘Soasuji’ which deals with the view of child education. All of those books mentioned above and other existing pre researched materials were used as supplementary materials and through this the view of child education of Yoolkok’ was analyzed and put in order.
The followings are results of this research:
The goals of child education witnessed in Yoolkok’s writings were first, to learn and practice the family rule and nurture the mindset to pay for the blessings, second, to learn and exercise parenthood who teaches men of character and third, to nurture self-restraint of the mind to live within means. Those goals are meaningful in that it is an education of trust and the one which recognizes the importance of nurturing men of character.
More concrete content to realize these goals include first, ‘Hyo’ as a rule stipulating the family rule of parents and children based upon mercy and respect, and ‘Ye’ as rule of couples, fraternal love, ‘Ye’ of relationship between adults and children. The second one is preparation for parenthood who nurtures men of character which includes efforts of parents to get a physically and mentally healthy child which is called ‘prenatal care’ and as an educator the order of education, and as parents’ concern towards the physically and mentally right attitude, the education to habituate good basic life attitude appeared.. Third, as a way to teach temperance to learn the wisdom of moderation, mind orientation and the effort to be just and to stay within right means were found.
The trial to teach family rule based upon human ethics is meaningful in that it creates a family community and moral social community where love and respect are harmonized and it is translated as an active effort to convey such culture and the trial to teach parenthood who nurtures men of character is meaningful in that along with a clear perception of being a parent, the educator, it tries to teach the needed preparation to be parents from childhood period in a formal and systematic way. The last one which is the effort to teach the wisdom of moderation is meaningful in that it teaches the importance of controlling the minds and makes them to act within the appropriate means without being slanted and nurtures the attitudes which enable them to lead the community lives harmoniously.
The method of child education appeared in Yoolkok’s writings are the education combining knowledge and action and the education of correspondence of the inside and the outside which in other words are modeling education, timely habituation education, and the education that knowing and acting becomes one and body and mind becomes one and lastly admonition which awakens wrongdoings by rational conversation and behavior appeared in his writings.
Modeling education means that the behavior of parents are the content of education and modeling is a direct educational method and emphasizes that parents show the right behavior themselves. By awakening the importance of not only the modeling itself but also building the right human environment to them it has meaning in that that it presents a living exemplary person out of parents or surrounding persons. In addition it has its meaning in that self-correction and self-assessment are possible for the parents who continuously studies and models of themselves and also for the children who follow them.
Timely.Habituation education is timely education which does not miss on the children’s sensitive time of learning and it means the conduction of habituation education making children accustomed to the right behavior from early period of life and it was education that repeated a variety of maxims and reasonable sayings in grinding way. This education is meaningful in that it becomes a habituation of moral thoughts breaking the start of humane love in each person’s nature making them closer to natural intelligence.
The education of knowledge and action and the education of correspondence of the inside and the outside focused on the integration and agreement and execution between words, thought and action. This is a whole personal education which harmonizes intelligence, morality, physical capacity, and intelligence, emotion. Justice and it is meaningful in that it pursued the harmonious development and integration of human beings in concrete lives.
The admonition for the fault of children in learning process should be implemented with a clear principle and based upon emotional interaction called teaching and learning and it should be executed through rational conversation and action which respect the other party as a man of character.
본 연구는 율곡의 저서 중 가정의 자녀교육과 관련 깊은「동거계사(同居戒辭)」,「격몽요결(擊蒙要訣)」사친장(事親章).거가장(居家章),「성학집요(聖學輯要)」정가편(正家篇),「소아수지(小兒須知)」에 나타난 자녀교육관을 자녀교육의 목표.내용.방법으로 분석하고 정리하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 율곡의 저술에 나타난 자녀교육의 목표는 첫째, 가정의 법도를 알고 실천하며, 은혜를 갚고자 하는 마음 기르기 둘째, 사람다운 사람을 기르는 부모됨을 배우고 익히기, 셋째, 분수를 지키기 위하여 마음의 절제력 기르기로 나타났다. 위와 같은 목표는 자녀에 대한 신뢰를 바탕으로 하는 교육, 사람다운 사람을 기르는 일의 중요성을 인식한 방향성 있는 자녀교육이라는 점에 의의가 있다. 목표를 실현하기 위한 구체적인 자녀교육의 내용으로는 첫째, 자애와 공경을 바탕으로 한 가정의 법도로 부모와 자녀관계의 도리로서 효, 부부 관계의 도리로서 예, 형제관계에 있어서의 우애, 장유관계로서의 예로 어른을 어른으로 대접하는 예가 나타났으며, 둘째, 사람다운 사람을 기르는 부모됨을 준비하기 위한 내용으로 심신이 건강한 아이를 얻기 위한 부모의 정성과 노력; 태교와 교육자로서의 부모됨의 준비로서 자녀교육의 순서; 입교의차례, 자녀의 바른 몸가짐과 마음가짐을 향한 부모의 관심; 기본생활습관교육이 나타났다. 셋째, 중용의 지혜를 터득하기 위한 절제를 가르치기 위하여 분수를 지키기 위한 마음의 중심잡기와 의롭기 위한 절검을 찾아볼 수 있었다. 마지막으로 율곡의 저술에 나타난 자녀교육의 방법은 수범교육, 적기.습관화 교육, 앎과 행동.몸과 마음이 하나 되는 교육으로써 지행병진교육 및 표리상응교육, 마지막으로 잘못을 일깨우는 이성적 대화와 행위로써 훈계로 나타났다. 율곡의 저술에 나타난 자녀교육관은 그 모습 그대로 접목이 가능하진 않지만 교육을 통해 실현되어야 할 인간과 교육의 본질과 방향을 담고 있으므로 오늘날에도 유효하며, 어떠한 의식이나 형태로든 앞으로도 이어져 나아갈 수 있고 나아가야함을 인식하여야 할 것이다.