

Research on the Optimization Model of Complex Equipment Scheme Assimilability based on Membership Degree of Extension



The complex equipment design scheme assimilability is affected by many factors. The analyzing process of it is both qualitative and quantitative. The process is fuzzy and qualitatively uncertain. For the purpose of objectively analyzing the complex equipment design scheme assimilability, an optimization model of complex equipment scheme assimilability based on extension superiority is proposed in this paper. The model first analyzes the influential factors of assimilability, establishing an optimal index system to standardize different types of optimal indexes and construct ideal extension fields of optimal indexes of assimilability based on extension theory. After that an extension correlation function model and an extension optimization model are constructed respectively based on extension positive fields and negative fields of assimilability optimal indexes. The size of extension optimization of assimilability optimal index of complex equipment design scheme helps acquire the optimal assembling scheme. The model is tested taking an assembling design scheme for a type of complex equipment as example.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Optimization Index System of Assimilability of Complex Equipment Scheme
 3. The Optimization Model of Complex Equipment Scheme assimilability
  3.1 The Standardization of Optimization Indexes
  3.2 The Extension Distance of Optimization Index
  3.3 The Extension Optimization Model of Optimization Indexes
  3.4 The Algorithm Implementation of Optimization Model of Assembly Scheme
 4. The Application Example
 5. Conclusions


  • Zhao Jingyun Department of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College, Xinxiang, Henan, China, 453002
  • Xing Pu Aviation Manufacturing Engineering College, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China 330063
  • Qin Ge School of Mechanics and Power engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, China, 454003


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