

A Study on the Relationship between the Rhythm Structure and Psychological Symptom : Focusing on the Film 『The Hours』



A narrative, which shows the change in a mental state of a character depending on the flow of the film, forms film music and can be expressed using characteristic elements of minimal music. This paper is focused on the depression of the four major characters in the film, 『The Hours』, caused by psychological oppression in human relationships and the mental state, which causes a conflict in the boundary between life and death. This narrative creates hemiola with a polyrhythmic structure, repeated rhythm patterns and fixed patterns using the eighth note, and is used in the character ways when a character has a depression symptom and commits suicide. Throughout the relationship, the elements of minimal music enable psychological films to express and describe images in a more effective way with details.


 1. Introduction
 2. Main Subject
  2.1 Musical Features in the Depression Symptoms
  2.2 Musical Features Revealed in Thoughts and Behaviors
  2.3 Pattern Direction of the Sequence
  2.4 Musical Features and Upsurge of Emotion
  2.5 Additional Elements Expressing Depression
 3. Conclusion


  • Jin-hee Hwang Dept. of Music Technology, Intermeida Lab SangMyung University, Seoul, Korea
  • Seungyon-Seny Lee Dept. of Music Technology, Intermeida Lab SangMyung University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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