

A Study on the Proper Position of Illumination Sensor for Dimming Lighting Control Based on Practical Life : Focusing on Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice




Due to recent increase in energy consumption of lighting, the energy consumption in the building sector is shown high, reaching 34% of total energy consumption. Although a variety of technologies have been on the rise and increased to which IT technology is applied as an alternative to reduce the lighting energy the lighting control technology for energy saving has been limited. And in investigation on existing previous studies, some nonconformities have been found out at the position of illumination sensor. So, in this study, there was derived each position of illumination sensor at the summer solstice and the winter solstice Although a variety of studies for lighting energy saving has been on the rise and increased due to increase in energy consumption of lighting in building sector they are carried out in a limited environment of technology development in the lighting energy. In an investigation on existing previous studies, it has been found out that the position of illumination sensor for control was derived on the basis of work surfaces and eye-level illumination, so in this study, it is intended to construct the foundation materials for lighting control after deriving the position of illumination sensor for dimming lighting control in real life. In this study, there was conducted a performance evaluation through the construction of test bed on a real life basis and the illumination range for lighting control was set to 400 lx on the basis of the KS A 3011. The conclusion is as follows. 1) At the summer solstice, S11 position 1,000mm away from a skylight is shown as a proper position of illumination-environmental collection for dimming lighting control. 2) At the winter solstice, the dimming lighting control is unnecessary, but S1~S3 positions within the range of 5,000mm~6,000mm are shown as proper positions of illumination-environment collection for dimming lighting control. 3) When generalizing the results shown at the summer solstice and the winter solstice, S11 position 1,000mm away from a skylight is shown as a proper position of illumination-environment collection for dimming lighting control. 4) As a result of effectiveness at S11position, energy saving can be attained by 16~44% compared to other positions, and the analysis is carried out effectively. Therefore, it is determined that in the future study it will be necessary to supplement by conducting a performance verification in accordance with illumination standards for lighting control and diverse time zones as well as lighting control positions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Investigation on Lighting Control
  2.1. Method of Lighting Control
  2.2. Investigation on Illumination Standards
 3. Derivation of the Position for Illumination Sensor and Verification of Effectiveness for Lighting Control
  3.1. Construction of Test-bed on a Real Life Basis
  3.2. Selection of Position of Illumination Sensor for Dimming Lighting Control
  3.3. Results of Analysis on Calculation of Electricity Consumption based on the Results of Illumination Measurement
 4. Conclusion
 5. References
  5.1. Journal Article
  5.2. Book
  5.3. Conference Proceedings


  • Juil Park The Graduate School of Techno Design, Kookmin University, Jeongneung- dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-702, KOREA
  • Heangwoo Lee The Graduate School of Techno Design, Kookmin University, Jeongneung- dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-702, KOREA
  • Yongseong Kim The Graduate School of Techno Design, Kookmin University, Jeongneung- dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-702, KOREA


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