

Ontology-based Context Modeling to Facilitate Reasoning in a Context-Aware System : A Case Study for the Smart Home



A context-aware system provides services based on the current context of the environment and user activities. So, context management and reasoning in context-aware systems are important tasks. A formal context model based on ontology can play a vital role in facilitating reasoning by formally representing domain knowledge. This paper presents an ontology-based reusable generic context model for context-aware systems. This model provides a context vocabulary and structure for contexts and their semantics which are essential for reasoning. We evaluate the effectiveness of this model for both ontology and rule-based reasoning in the smart home domain and the result we obtain is promising.


 1. Introduction
 2. Context Model for the Smart Home Domain
 3. Context Reasoning
  3.1. Ontology Reasoning
  3.2. Rule-based reasoning
 4. Conclusions


  • M. Robiul Hoque Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 139-701 Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • M. Humayun Kabir Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 139-701 Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Keshav Thapa Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 139-701 Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Sung-Hyun Yang Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 139-701 Seoul, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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