

The Application of the Smart Technique in the Construction and Management of Urban Park Green Spaces




Urban park green space is an integral part of urban public green space. The smart technique can improve the efficiency of the construction and management of urban parks. This research combines the life cycle of park green space with users' requirement, and establishes an overall frame of a system in which smart technique is applied to the park green space, namely a layered structure which consists of the sensing layer, network layer, supporting layer and application layer. Smart technique is applied to the planning, designing, construction, management, updating and other stages of the park green space, so as to provide efficient and convenient services for the government, the designers, the public, management personnel and so on. In conclusion, the application of the smart technology can promote the rationality of the planning and construction, enhance the friendliness of the usage of park green space environment, and improve the management efficiency and scientificity of the park green space.


 1. Introduction
 2. Method and Application Framework
  2.1. Method
  2.2. Application Framework 
 3. The Application Module of the Smart Technology
  3.1. Planning and Designing Module
  3.2. Management Module 
  3.3. Virtual Park Module
  3.4. Big Data Module
 4. Conclusion


  • Yichuan Zhang School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003, China
  • Yan Li Henan Technical College of Construction, Zhengzhou 450064, China


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