

Energy Efficient Design of Hyper Transport Protocol based Laser Driver using Low-Voltage Differential Signaling



In this paper, laser driver circuit is designed using current mode logic for safe mode interface of laser with devices attached ahead. Furthermore, energy efficient design is realized on FPGA virtex-6 using Low Voltage Differential Signaling technique. The energy efficient design is tested on Hyper Transport Protocol IO standard on FPGA that includes HTP 1.1, HTP 2.0, HTP 2.5, HTP 3.0 and HTP 3.1 having operating frequencies 1 GHz, 10 GHz, 100 GHz, 1 THz and 10 THz respectively. In LVDS, the four voltage swing values are taken2.5V, 1.2V, 0.9V and 0.3V. Laser driver is operated at mentioned hyper transport protocols for each voltage swing value. It is extracted that when laser driver is operated at all HTPs on voltage swing 0.3V; the maximum power reduction is recorded. For HTP 1.1. 87%, for HTP 2.0. 85%, for HTP 2.5. 85%, for HTP 3.0. 86% and for HTP 3.1. 86% power reduction is recorded at LVDS voltage swing 0.3V in comparison with LVDS voltage swing 2.5V. The main contribution of this work is that energy efficient design of laser driver is proposed that consume less power when signal is transferred at different protocols having high frequenciesusing LVDS technique.This laser driver will be integrated with other optical components in system to provide green optical communication. The design is demonstrated using Xilinx 14.3 software package.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS)
  2.2. Hyper Transport Protocols (HTP’s)
 3. Problem Statement
 4. Methodology
  4.1. Laser Driver Design using Current Mode Logic Technique
  4.2. Energy Efficient Design of Laser Driver using LVDS at HTP on FPGA
  4.3 Power Consumption of laser driver at different HTP’s standard Using LVDS technique
  4.4 Power Consumption of Laser Driver at different HTP’s using LVDS at 2.5 V (LVDS disabled)
  4.5 Power Consumption of Laser Driver at different HTP’s using LVDS at 1.2V (LVDS enabled)
  4.6 Power Consumption of Laser Driver at different HTP’s using LVDS at 0.9V (LVDS enabled)
  4.7 Power Consumption of Laser Driver at different HTP’s using LVDS at 0.3V (LVDS enabled)
 5. Results and Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • BhagwanDas UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
  • M.F.LAbdullah UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
  • Mohd ShahNorShahida UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
  • QadirBakhsh UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)


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