

Stance and Grammatical Complexity in Conversation: An Unlikely Partnership Discovered through Corpus Analysis


Douglas Biber

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present paper attempts to synthesize results from two independent lines of corpus-based research: One focused on grammatical complexity, and the second focused on the expression of stance. The paper begins by describing an unexpected pattern of use in conversational discourse: Despite the fact that conversation is co-constructed by multiple participants, producing language in real-time and discussing personal topics, it is characterized by an extremely dense use of dependent clauses. Corpus-based findings regarding the use of stance expressions are less surprising, showing how stance devices are more commonly used in conversation than in academic writing. The main focus of the present paper is to explore the intersection between these two lines of research, showing how many grammatically complex structures in conversation are used to support the functional prominence given to the expression of stance in that register. That is, utterances in conversation often involve two grammatical components, with an idea or a report of an action occurring as the dependent clause, and an expression of stance occurring as the main clause that provides the interpretive frame for the information in the dependent clause. As a result, it is not a coincidence that personal expressions of stance as well as complex grammatical structures are both so prevalent in conversational discourse.


1. Introduction
2. Dependent clauses in conversation
3. A survey of lexico-grammatical devices used to express stance
4. Stance features in conversation versus academic writing
5. Conclusion: Rethinking syntactic complexity in conversation


  • Douglas Biber Northern Arizona University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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