

변이할당분석을 이용한 광주의 수출행태 분석


Export Behavior of Gwangju City: Shift-Share Analysis

모수원, 박정환, 이광배

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Shift-share analysis is a traditional tool for interregional comparison, measuring and evaluating sectoral performance. Its widespread use is explained by its simplicity, modest data requirements, and the fact that its use does not require primary data collection and the results are relatively easy to assess and interpret. This study, hence, uses a shift-share technique. The traditional shift-share model partitions the change of exports in a port into three effects: the national growth effect (NGE), the industrial mix effect (IME) and the regional share effect (RSE). The national growth effect attempts measure the export change in a region that would have occurred if export had grown at precisely the same rate as the national average. Hence, if the city grows at the same as the national average, it does not possess any comparative advantage in terms of resource endowments or human capital; it is neither better nor worse off then its counterparts. The second of the three components, the industrial mix effect, associate the differential growth rate in export between the region in question and the nation with the overall strengths or weaknesses of the export sectors. Ideally, it is expected that a large proportion of the region’s export should be concentrated in faster-growing industries and, by the same token, a smaller percentage of a region’s export should be in slow-growing industries of the port. The third component is the regional share effect accounting for a differential change between a region and the nation. The regional share effect portrays the competitive position of a region in relation to the rest of the region. The export data used in this study are obtained from the Korea International Trade Association. The particular product categories studied are at two-digit HS level of disaggregation. The national growth effect for the HS87 product accounted for about 73 percent of the increase in export of Gwangju City or 2 million dollars but fell to 8 percent or 50 thousand dollars during the period under analysis. That both the industrial mix effect and the regional share effect of the HS87 product were positive can be interpreted to mean that Gwangju City’s main export product was rapid growing one rather than the slow ones. Both effects, however, tended to dwindle. The industrial mix effect and the regional share effect in export to the U.S. were positive, while those effects in the export to China were negative or explained only a small portion of the change.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 광주의 수출구조
 Ⅲ. 변이할당분석
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 모수원 Soo-Won Mo. 목포대학교 무역학과 교수
  • 박정환 Jeong-Hwan Park. 광주테크노파크 선임연구원
  • 이광배 Kwang-Bae Lee. 순천대학교 물류학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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