

An Economic Feasibility Study on the Research Infrastructure Project for the ICT Device Industry Reliability



The research infrastructure project for the ICT device industry reliability is aimed to secure and establish the reliability of the ICT device industry, reinforce the competitiveness of domestic ICT device companies and expand their growth power in domestic and global markets. It is necessary to enhance and expand test and evaluation services for the domestic devices developed by small and medium-sized companies such as bench-mark test, certification test, function and performance verification test, delivery test and development assistance in improving the entrance of domestic ICT devices into the global market and their reliability, and it is imperative to establish the test evaluation infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to implement an economic feasibility study on this project of the research infrastructure for the ICT device industry reliability. The result of the economic feasibility analysis shows that the cost-benefit ratio (1.510) shown in table 3 is larger than 1, which indicates that it has more benefits than cost. And by the additional what-if analysis, this project shows its economic feasibility.


 1. Introduction
 2. Cost Analysis
  2.1. Project Period and Input Budget by Year
  2.2. Cost Analysis
 3. Benefit Analysis
  3.1. Benefit Analysis Model
  3.2. Application of the Benefit Analysis Model
 4. Cost-Benefit Analysis
 5. Additional Analysis and Conclusions
  5.1. Additional Considerations for the Variables
  5.2. The Analysis of the Benefits Sustainability
  5.3 Conclusion


  • Dae Ho Kim Division of Service Management, Mokwon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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