

Improving Public Health Multidimensional Services through the Use of Smart Cloud Model



To better understand the practical applications of smart cloud technology in response to public services improvement, this paper researches the application results of Smart Cloud Model Based Public Health Multidimensional Services (SCMBPHMS). Different from the previous studies that focused on the details, this paper establishes a relatively macroscopic large model of SCMBPHMS, we have established a knowledge model based on artificial neural network on the model data processing to sense various users’ data acquisition habits of SCMBPHMS and let Public Health Smart Cloud Service (PHSCS) gaining the function of intelligent mining and data intelligent classification via training library. Finally, we give the example of some important features of SCMBPHMS via PHP language. In future, SCMBPHMS combined with the Residents' Health Card will greatly influence the quality of Public Healthcare Services


 1. Introduction
 2. Cloud Services Research in Public Health Care
  2.1. Cloud Services Architecture
  2.2. Health Cloud Research
  2.3. Evolution of Health Cloud Application
 3. Architectural Overview of Conception Model
  3.1. Model Implications
  3.2. Public Health Care Smart Service
  3.3. Public Medical Wisdom Service
  3.4. Public Health Management Decision Support Service
  3.5. Public Knowledge Management Smart Service
  3.6. Public Health Smart Cloud Services
 4. Implementation
  4.1. The Current Situation of Public Health Multidimensional Services Based on PHSCS
  4.2. Part of the Function of the Software Code about the Conceptual Model
 5. Conclusion


  • Li Kai Zhejiang Chinese Medical University School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Fudan University School of Public Health, Center for Health Statistics and Information, National Health and Family Planning Commission
  • Yang Hua Zhejiang Chinese Medical University School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Zhang Yunlong Center for Health Statistics and Information, National Health and Family Planning Commission
  • Yang Zhehan Center for Health Statistics and Information, National Health and Family Planning Commission
  • Zhu Yan Center for Health Statistics and Information, National Health and Family Planning Commission
  • XinYing Center for Health Statistics and Information, National Health and Family Planning Commission
  • Meng Qun Center for Health Statistics and Information, National Health and Family Planning Commission


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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