

The Impact of Telepresence Robot Types on the Perceived Presence of a Remote Sender



As telepresence robots are developed for interpersonal communication between a remote sender and a receiver, conveying the presence of a remote sender to a receiver is an important issue. A telepresence robot could build its own presence unlike other media since it enables visual, auditory, and tactile communication having an in-space physical embodiment. Thus, in order to find effective ways to deliver the presence of a remote sender, we executed a 2 (Telepresence robot types: social medium vs. pure medium) within-participants experiment (N=30). In this study, two types of telepresence robots, a telepresence robot with high presence, a social medium, and that with low presence, a pure medium, provides the information of the conversation status to a receiver. The results show that participants felt more presence of a remote sender when interacting with a telepresence robot with high presence than a robot with low presence. Implications for design of a telepresence robot to increase the presence of a remote sender are discussed.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Telepresence Robot
  2.2. Presence
 3. Study Design
  3.1. Participants
  3.2. Materials
  3.3. Procedure
  3.4. Measures
 4. Results
 5. Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • Hyewon Lee Dept. of Industrial Design, Ewha Womans University
  • Jung Ju Choi Dept. of Industrial Design, Ewha Womans University
  • Sonya S. Kwak Dept. of Industrial Design, Ewha Womans University


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